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Sale of illegal goods or services

Also known as:

  • black markets
  • online black markets
  • dark web
  • cybercrime
What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Cybercrime

Some illegal goods, materials and services can be easily bought in easily accessed online spaces, for example, social media. Some online black markets are encrypted on the dark web and require a TOR browser to access them.

Examples of illegal goods and services bought and sold online include:

Anonymity online can make it easier to buy or sell illegal goods and services. This can be by:

  • using a fake profile
  • operating only in the dark web
  • only accepting cryptocurrency payments

Anonymity and encryption make it harder for law enforcement to tackle illegal activity online.

Where this can happen

Share your experience of sale of illegal goods or services

You can tell us about:

  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
Tell us your experiences