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Also known as:

  • sexual extortion
  • sexual exploitation
  • sexual coercion
  • cyber extortion
What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Cybercrime

Children and young people can be coerced into creating and sharing private or sexual material. They might not know they are being recorded or screenshotted. They might also share private or sexual material during a relationship.

This material can then be used to threaten them. For example, sharing an indecent image with their friends and family.

People can also source sexual imagery through:

  • hacking devices, for example, a webcam
  • hacking digital photo libraries
  • phishing attacks

Someone can blackmail someone else without actually possessing sexual imagery of them. They may threaten that they have this imagery because they claim they can access someone’s else’s accounts, files, or cameras.

It is illegal to share or threaten to share someone’s private or sexual materials without their consent. Blackmail is also a criminal offence.

Share your experience of sextortion

You can tell us about:

  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
Tell us your experiences