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Nude sharing

Also known as:

  • sending nudes
  • sexting
  • nude selfies
  • dick pics
What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Online child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE)

Nudes are typically taken, sent, and received with mobile devices and through social media or messenger platforms.

In most cases of nude sharing, the person sending the image will take an image or video of themselves which they then share. This may include their face or identifiable details, but not always.

Someone might send a nude because they have been asked to. In some cases, someone will send a nude without being asked to, or without actually knowing the person who receives it. This could be classed as cyberflashing. Once an image is shared, the person who has sent it has no control over how it may be distributed. It can be shared with large numbers of people.

Someone who receives an image or video may decide to circulate it more widely online via:

  • group chats
  • messenger apps
  • social media
  • chat forums

A bait out page is a term for an online space where local gossip and drama is shared. It can occur on social media or in messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Content shared can include nudes images of children and young people. This is a form of child sexual abuse material.

It is illegal for anyone to create, share, or possess nude imagery of someone under the age of 18.

Where this can happen

Share your experience of nude sharing

You can tell us about:

  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
Tell us your experiences