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Munchausen by internet

Also known as:

  • munchausen syndrome
  • munchausen's
  • factitious disorder
What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Health and wellbeing

Signs that someone may suffer from Munchausen syndrome include doing things to convince someone else they are ill. For example, they may:

  • claim they are experiencing physical pain, for example, a headache
  • claim they have a longstanding health issue, like Crohn’s disease
  • claim they experience psychological symptoms, for example, hearing voices
  • lie about the context of photos, like saying a routine medical check-up is chemotherapy
  • actively try to become ill, for example, by letting a cut become infected

Someone who suffers from Munchausen syndrome can use different online platforms to talk about their health. They might use:

  • blogs and forums
  • social media platforms
  • live streams
  • video sharing services

Some people have entire online identities based around a false illness or health condition.

Share your experience of munchausen by internet

You can tell us about:

  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
Tell us your experiences