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Money muling

What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Cybercrime

A money mule is a person who lets someone else use their bank account to transfer money, typically to an account used by a criminal organisation. This process ‘cleans’ the money. Once money has been transferred or cleaned, it is easier to use and harder for police to track.

Criminals advertise money muling as a way to earn quick cash. Someone who mules money may keep a small amount of money for themselves, as payment. They recruit people through social media or false job adverts. Most commonly, recruits are young people aged 17-24, who are in sixth form or university.

Money muling is illegal.

Where this can happen

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  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
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