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Also known as:

  • anorexia coaches
  • thinspo accounts
What is Risk ?

Digital risk factors associated with their interests and activities

Type of risk: Health and wellbeing

Anacoaches use online platforms to contact vulnerable individuals, mainly teenage girls. A young person can be contacted by an anacoach on:

  • social media
  • messaging platforms
  • online forums

A young person contacted by an anacoach may already struggle with an eating disorder. They may be asked by the anacoach to provide their age, height, current weight, or ideal weight.

They may also be asked to:

  • stick to restrictive calorie intakes and diets
  • contact the anacoach before exercise or activity
  • send pictures of themselves
  • weigh themselves frequently

An anacoach might start by saying negative things about the person they are targeting. This can make someone feel more vulnerable or in need of coaching.

If a young person doesn’t comply with their demands, an anacoach could become hostile and aggressive. They may demand things like nude imagery or forced vomiting as a form of punishment.

Where this can happen

Share your experience of anacoaches

You can tell us about:

  • other terms you might have heard
  • conversations you’ve had with young people
  • a related platform or app
  • another related risk or harm
Tell us your experiences